I don't know if I have mentioned this before but there are a lot of kids that come to the Care Point and attend service on Sunday morning. This past weekend we had a great service and as usual a lot of kids came. Usually about 150 kids come to service. This past weekend there were 195. Carol leads worship for service and after worship she goes outside with the kids and I stay with the teens and adults for the message. She does an awesome job with them. But they have no classroom so they've been having children's church under the trees. So we have started building this classroom so the kids can have a great place to learn more about God. Every time as we are headed to the house Carol tells me of how great the kids are and how they learn so quickly. Of course it's not easy to keep so many kids quiet for too long but it's great to be able to plant good seeds in their lives. Soon we will be finished with the new children's church. And during the week it will serve as an area for the kids to sit and eat their meals.
Não estou certo se mencionei isso antes, mas tem muitas crianças que vem ao Centro e que também participam conosco nos cultos de Domingo de manhã. O culto da semana passada foi uma benção e como sempre muitas crianças vieram. São geralmente 150 crianças aos Domingos. No último final de semana tivemos 195. A Carol lidera o louvor e logo após o louvor ela sai com as crianças e eu fico dentro do prédio com os adolescentes e adultos para compartilhar a palavra. Ela está fazendo um ótimo trabalho com as crianças. Mas eles ainda não tem uma salinha. O culto das crianças aos Domingos é embaixo das árvores. Por isso nós começamos a construir uma sala de aula para que as crianças tenham um lugar super especial onde poderão aprender mais sobre o amor de Deus. Sempre no caminho da igreja de volta pra casa, a Carol me conta de como as crianças são tão especiais e de como elas aprendem tudo tão rápido. Claro que não é fácil fazer com aquele monte de crianças fiquem quietinhas por muito tempo, mas é maravilhoso poder plantar uma boa semente na vida delas. Logo logo terminaremos a igreja nova das crianças. Durante a semana essa nova área será o local onde elas poderão sentar e ter suas refeições.
That's so awesome! I wish we could be there to help! Yall are doing an incredible job. We are praying for yall!
Isaac and Carol
We love you guys! Continue your great work for the Lord. May God bless you and provide for your every need. May God guide you and use you to touch Africa.
Parnell and Yvonne
I am so excited about what the Lord is doing through y'all. You are in our prayers and thoughts and we are very proud of you!
This is so awesome. Showing love and educating the next generation is so important. We love you all so much.
Oh my goodness! This is big! I mean big, I did not know that we were expanding. I say "we" because I am there in spirit and yes I did not know that you guys were making more room there. I mean how stinkin exciting. I mean this is just great.
GOD IS SO FAITHFUL AND GODD AND BRILLANT AND POSITIVELY, ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT into the lives of those kids and He provides and well I mean let's just give it up for Him!!!!
Can I get a shout?
Okay so I am really excited for you guys and totally jealous that my Ps. is coming there in like 2 weeks- Ps. Mark- I mean really, ya'll are going to have a blast together.
Let him come home though, Dville would not be the same without him
Praise Him.
Que lindas as crianças Carol!!!
Que o SEnhor continue abençoando a obra ae!!!
love you
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