Today Brazil played France in the world cup. In the beginning of the day. The city of Manaus was all excited and pumped about the game. Portugal played England earlier today and the city was excited about Portugal winning also because the coach is Brazilian. Then the Brazil vs. France game started. The city was going crazy with noisy fireworks, loud music, and a lot of partying. The city stopped to watch the game. Then, the worst happened; France made a goal. Not a good thing for Brazil. The city was really quiet when that happened. Brazilian are huge soccer fans. I even heard a lady praying that Brazil would win. To make a long story short, Brazil lost. During the game I was on the road and the streets were empty. The city had stopped to watch the game. And now Brazil is out of the world cup and the country is dissappointed.
Soccer is idolized here. Even the Christians skip church to watch a soccer game. If only we had the same passion for the things of God.
this goes for all of us.
well said...
! Migah fiquei m t emocinada ao ver os testemunhos que voces tem a respeito do que o Senhor tem feito e vai continuar fazendo nas vidas de voces. Voce é um exemplo de fé, pois, nos duas conhecemos e vivenciamos momentos tao dificeis de nossas vidas que se nao fosse a mao Poderosa de Deus, nós nao poderiamos ter saido mais que vencedores da situacao. Mas uma coisa temos certeza: DEUS É SEMPRE FIEL!!
Te amo Amiga e ora sempre para que o Senhor Jesus te use como vaso bem trabalho em Sua Maos!!
Voce e uma grande bencao!!!
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