Thursday, August 02, 2007

Leadership Training

I thought this was the cutest thing and wanted to share the moment. We are training up leaders from a very early age.
On a more serious note, the kids in this community are truly blessed to have a place where they can come and feel safe and loved. And the best part of it all, they get to feel God's love for them and learn to be men and women of God. God loves them with all His heart.

Isso é muito bonitinho e quero compartilhar este momento com voces. Estamos treinando líderes que ainda tem pouca idade, crianças.

Um outro recado importante, as crianças desta comunidade são abençoadas por terem um lugar especial, onde elas se sentem seguras e amadas. E a melhor parte é que elas podem sentir o amor que Deus tem por elas, e se tornarem homens e mulheres de Deus. Deus a ama com todo seu coração.


are owe bee said...

awesome... got groove too. miss yall. praying

Cajun Tiger said...

so precious!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is THE BEST video ever!! I miss you two.

Anonymous said...

Perco-o dois

Traci said...

Isaac & Carol,
Had a GREAT time! Thanks for everything! I will be sending some clothes with Dan when he comes for Raquel's baby. Email me if you need anything!
I love ya'll!

~anj~ said...

I LOVE IT!!!! He's getting his Jesus groove on! I miss you guys everyday!!!! Keep making kingdom impact!!!