Wednesday, December 26, 2007

20 cents/20 centavos

I want to share this note with you. It was written by an 11 year old boy. I've told the people that if they have a need or prayer request, they can write it down and put it in the offering. The coin that was wrapped in the note is worth about 20 cents. It's not much but it can buy a loaf a bread here. Instead, he gave it as an offering. Every time I see him helping at church and just talking to him, I am encouraged. I am humbled by his caring heart for those around him and his family. Here's what the letter says. I translated it as literally as possible.

Quero compartilhar esta carta com você. Foi escrita por um menino de onze anos. Eu disse as pessoas da igreja que quando eles tiverem alguma nescessidade e pedido de oração, eles poderiam escrever e colocar na caixa de oferta. A moeda que estava enorolada no papel da cartinha vale uns 20 centavos. Não é muito, mas aqui dá pra comprar um pão. Em vez disso, ele deu como oferta. Todas as vezes que vejo ele ajudando na igreja e quando converso com ele, eu fico encorajado. Fico tocado com o coração dele, de sempre se preocupar com a família e com aqueles que estão perto dele.

Your Excellence Mr. Pastor

1. First of all I would like to greet Mr. Pastor.

2. Mr. Pastor, I bring to you my worries.

3. Mr. Pastor, my worry is that my father is disabled.

4. My father does not speak, and does not walk, so my older brothers took my daddy to my brothers in the city.

5. We are now suffering, me along with my mother and [younger] brothers.

6. My mother does not work and she is also ill, and my [older] brothers have kicked us out of the house; even this next year I don't know if I will continue school because I will not have money to continue school.


Carole Turner said...


I pray God multiplies that 20 cents 200 fold!

Damain said...

Hello Issac!
Merry Christmas!

What a humbling letter..........

Damain (@Summit)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Carol and Isaac! That is such a sweet letter. Children's prayers are always so innocent and faith-filled. Just think of the man of God you are helping to build!!

Stone Mantels said...

Hey Isaac, what will happen to this little boy? Do they have any other family to stay with?