Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend/ Final de Semana de Páscoa

We had an awesome Easter Weekend. God did great things in the church this past weekend. We once again showed the Jesus Film on Good Friday. The church quickly filled to standing room only. There were over 500 people in there. They were able to see the life of Jesus and understand the true meaning of Easter.

Despite the rain, Easter Sunday was a move of God. Pastor Luke Walters was with us and shared a great message. He was a great encouragement to us. I believe the church here is moving to a new level with God. They are beginning to understand and are beginning to see the hope that is in Christ. I thank God every day for the leaders that He has brought to us. And it's been amazing to build relationships and walk the journey of the cross with them.

Please continue to pray for us and the ministry here.

Nós tivemos um super final de semana de Páscoa. Deus fez grandes coisas. Mostramos novamente o filme de Jesus na sexta-feira santa. Eles puderam ver a vida de Jesus e entender o verdadeiro significado da Páscoa.

Apesar da chuva, houve um mover de Deus no Domingo de Páscoa. O pastor Luke Walters esteve conosco e compartilhou um poderosa mensagem. Ele foi um grande encorajamento para nós. Creio que a igreja está indo a um novo nível em Deus. Eles estão começando a entender e a ver a esperança que está em Cristo. A cada dia agradeço a Deus pela liderança que Ele tem nos dado. Tem sido maravilhoso construir relacionamentos e caminhar a jornada da cruz com eles.

Por favor continue a orar por nós e pelo ministério aqui.

1 comment:

Nancy Holte said...

Your going to need to add a balcony pretty soon!